Pinjam Dashboard Page

In this section, we will be explaining in detail the Dashboard page --- especially the specific terms you'll be seeing.

The purpose of the Dashboard Page is for users to view their lending/borrowing details - all in one page for easier viewing.

Assets: Specific assets that you're supplying on Pinjam

Supplied: Total capital that you're supplying for that asset in the chosen network

APY: Annual yield % for lenders of that specific asset on a chosen network

Collateral: Whether or not that asset in the chosen network can be used as collateral

Supply Button: Clicking it will open a window allowing you to supply more capital for that asset in the chosen network

Details Button: Directs you to the Reserve Overview page where lending/borrowing details will be displayed for that asset in the chosen network

The Your Debts section displays the details of assets that you have borrowed on Pinjam. Details are as such:

Assets: Specific asset that you're borrowing on Pinjam

Borrowed: Total capital that you're borrowing for that asset in the chosen network

APY: Annual interest rate being paid by borrowers of that specific asset on a chosen network

Repay Button: Clicking it will open a window allowing you to repay debt for that asset in the chosen network

Borrow Button: Clicking it will open a window allowing you to borrow more capital for that asset in the chosen network

The Your Vault Rewards section displays the rewards that you're entitled to receive -- as a result of Pinjam's novel approach of solving idle liquidity by depositing your capital in other battle-tested protocols to generate yield when there is lesser borrowing demand.

Details are as such:

Assets: Specific asset that you've supplied and am now generating yield on Pinjam --- by utilizing the idle liquidity that's being put to work generating yield on battle-tested protocols

Rewards: Total capital in yield for that asset in the chosen network

Claim Rewards Button: Clicking it will open a window allowing you to claim your worked yields for that asset in the chosen network

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