Pinjam Home/Markets Page

On the Home/Markets page, at the top section, users have the option of selecting the network of their choice.

Right now, we are using the Avalanche Fuji testnet network.

After we launch, it will consist of more networks (only mainnet) as we seek to expand to multiple chains.

Below is a breakdown of the top section and the definition of the terms displayed:

Total Market Size: The total amount of capital (from all assets) being supplied for that chosen network

Total Available: The total amount of capital available for borrowing (from all assets) for that chosen network

Total Borrows: The total amount of capital being borrowed (from all assets) for that chosen network

Idle Liquidity at Work: Total amount of idle capital being put to work generating yield (from all assets) for that chosen network

At the bottom section, users will be able to view a table containing the assets available for that chosen network. Here, you can see the:

Total Supplied: The total amount of capital being supplied for that asset in the chosen network

Supply APY: The annual interest lenders will receive when supplying capital for that asset in the chosen network

Total Borrowed: The total amount of capital being borrowed for that asset in the chosen network

Borrow APY: The annual interest borrowers will need to pay when borrowing for that asset in the chosen network

Details Button: Leads you to the Reserve Overview page where you can view asset-specific lending/borrowing details for the chosen network

Last updated